Women's and Gender Studies

Evaluating the culturally and historically specific constructions of gender

k8彩乐园app官网下载的妇女与性别研究辅修课程旨在帮助你理解性的交叉点, 性, and gender with other culturally constructed identities, such as those based on race, 种族, class, 和年龄. The minor is also very supportive of various majors. You're invited to complete a minor in Women's and Gender Studies, 或者选择特别感兴趣的课程,这可能会提高你在其他辅修或主修的工作.



Main Campus - Alfred, NY



Women's and Gender Studies


  • WGST 101 Women in Society
  • WGST 450 Independent Study


Choose 12 or more credits from at least two groups (I, II, III, IV).


  • WGST 215 Framing Gender: Latin American Film
  • WGST 216 Cuba Close Up: Film since the Revolution
  • WGST 254女作家
  • WGST 256 Multicultural American Literature
  • WGST 324 Queer American 历史
  • WGST 412 Gender and American Film
  • WGST 465 Gender, Race, Class and Media
  • WGST 481 International Women Writers


  • WGST 246 Sex and the Body Politic
  • WGST 253 Social Welfare Institutions
  • WGST 305 Gender and 组织
  • WGST 320 Parenting Seminar
  • WGST 346 Sociology of Sex and Gender
  • WGST 348 Sociology of 家庭
  • WGST 351 Human Sexuality
  • WGST 372 Psychology of Gender

III: Fine and Performing 艺术

  • WGST 211 Women in Theatre, Society & 政治
  • WGST 382 Women/Art/历史


  • WGST 201 Gender and 领导
  • WGST 475 Women’s 领导 Academy Practicum

Special Topics courses in Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST 200, 300, 400) also count as electives toward the minor. 最近的主题包括酷儿好莱坞、托妮·莫里森、音乐中的女性和现代欧洲历史.

The program aims to achieve these learning outcomes:

  • 收购, 综合和交流关于女权主义和性别理论和学术的知识, and apply feminist perspectives across multiple disciplines.
  • 识别、比较和评估文化和历史上特定的性别结构.
  • 能够进行跨学科的女权主义研究和分析.
  • 参与有关妇女和性别问题的批判性辩论,了解妇女和性别研究奖学金与社会行动之间的关系.
  • Understand the intersections of sex, 性, and gender with other culturally constructed identities, such as those based on race, 种族, class, 和年龄.

每年,k8彩乐园app官网下载都会举办伊丽莎白·哈伦贝克·莱利和查尔斯·P. Riley Lectureship in Women's Studies. 查尔斯·莱利和伊丽莎白·哈伦贝克·莱利都是非盟毕业生(查尔斯1935年毕业,伊丽莎白1936年毕业). Elizabeth was a local 积极分子 involved in women's rights issues. Their daughters, Pamela Riley Osborn ('62), Patricia A. 莱利(65届)和梅丽莎·莱利慷慨地赞助了这个系列讲座以纪念他们的父母. 莱利姐妹的礼物是查尔斯·莱利为他妻子计划的纪念仪式的完成,但在他去世前还没有完成.

At the inaugural lecture in April 1996, 凯伦·波特, former director of the Women's and Gender Studies program, noted that the lectureship "validates the work of women's studies. 它重申了我们的社区意识,并有助于使社区变得可见."

Lectures From Recent Past


Dr. 梅根P. Galloway, JD, PhD (AU 2010)
Senior Counsel, Office of Legislative Affairs, U.S. 律政司


Dr. 科拉Fernández安德森,Mount Holyoke学院比较政治学副教授
"Fighting for Abortion Rights: Lessons from Latin America"
Dr. 卡特里娜Kimport, 教授, ANSIRH (Advancing New Standards in Reproductive 健康), University of California – San Francisco
"No Real Choice: How Culture and 政治 Matter for Reproductive Autonomy"

2022 (Zoom讲座)

Dr. 莫娜Hanna-Attisha, 医生, 积极分子, and Associate 教授 in the College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University.  的作者 What the Eyes Don’t See (2018) about the Flint water crisis.
"Dr. Mona in a Conversation with Dr. 米歇尔·赫鲁希,k8彩乐园app官网下载环境研究与地质学教授

2021 (Zoom讲座)

"Our World Runs Deep: Intersectional Disability Aesthetics and Culture"




Artist, educator, Activist
"Glassblowing and healing trauma: a queer woman of color’s feminist approach"


Dr. 罗伯塔Cordano
President, Gallaudet University
"Creating a Sense of Belonging: Musings of a Deaf College President"






Nadine Strossen
教授 of Law, New York Law School; Former president, ACLU
"Sex, Gender, and Civil Liberties on American College Campuses"


Kathleen Basile, PhD, '91
Lead Behavioral Scientist at the Centers for Disease Control


艾尔弗雷德大学妇女和性别研究项目源于艾尔弗雷德历史上的自由主义, progressive college environment and unique feminist history. 成立于1836年, 非盟大学是美国第二所男女同校的大学,也是纽约州第一所男女同校的大学.

Alfred University has always encouraged not only women's education, but also the opportunity for women to work. 乔纳森•艾伦, the University's second president, 曾经说过, “我不明白为什么, 如果女人有头脑, it was given her to be cramped and dwarfed and starved.他拒绝让其他机构的狭隘视野影响他为k8彩乐园app官网下载年轻女性制定的目标. "Woman is knocking at college doors for admission," he said, "...Many colleges have slammed their doors in her face."

阿比盖尔·艾伦, Jonathan's wife and a professor at AU, shared her husband's vision of educational equality at Alfred. A revolutionary woman of her time, 阿比盖尔的贡献至今仍受到大学生和教职员工的尊敬. 阿比盖尔·艾伦认为,男人和女人都必须努力挑战社会和制度所设定的限制. "Any culture to be noblest .... must move on the high tide of human progress, keep abreast of the world's advance movements: in one word, 是激进的, 彻底激进."

Founded as a Women's Studies Program in 1983, 2013年更名为妇女与性别研究,以更好地反映该项目的重点和课程. 该项目通过将各种传统学科的课程与专门为该项目设计的课程相结合,继续为学生提供探索妇女和性别研究跨学科领域的机会.

Our approach exposes students to a variety of conceptual frameworks, 经历, 个人风格, 的想法, 和问题. 我们鼓励在被认为是妇女和性别研究的工作体系内外探索许多可能的意识形态立场. 教师 from throughout the university participate in the program.


The 阿比盖尔·艾伦 Award is given in memory of 阿比盖尔·艾伦, a founding mother of Alfred University, 谁毕生致力于推进男女同校的事业,鼓励女性接受高等教育. 这样做的时候, 她为改善我们校园和更广泛社区女性的生活质量做出了不可估量的贡献.


该学生奖颁发给学业成绩优异、对大学社会有贡献的高级妇女与性别研究辅修学生, particularly to the Women's and Gender Studies community, exemplifies the standards established by 阿比盖尔·艾伦 herself.

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